



Introducing BlackStack, a software-accelerating sensor collection and real-time analytics platform. BlackStack使边缘处理速度更快, 提供商业级首页解决方案, and facilitates quicker and more intuitive advanced searches resulting in to-the-second decision abilities.  

In a world filled with ever-increasing volumes of raw data and cyber threats, governments and businesses alike require innovative and secure software solutions to produce instant insights. The vast majority of current data search and analysis tools are time-consuming and expensive, which can result in delays or missed intelligence for analysts that rely on accurate and timely data to make mission critical decisions.

BlackStack is field-proven in the most mission-critical, high-security applications by U.S. 国防和情报客户, but its AI-driven analytics can be applied to any commercial digital infrastructure to speed decision-making. From power infrastructure resilience to waterway and wastewater system performance to transportation and connected cities – the possibilities for accelerated data processing and instant insights are endless.

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  • 大大加快处理时间

    Patented BlackStack algorithms and custom hardware search raw data without the need for traditional indexing. Using heterogeneous computing — a combination of different types of chips to dynamically gain the fastest performance — BlackStack eliminates the ELT indexing steps and returns results faster up to 200 times faster. 它将处理时间从几天缩短到几分钟或几秒钟.

  • 产生更深刻、更有价值的见解

    从战术传感器数据到大型企业数据湖, 它可以更快地筛选大量数据以找到意义, 从而更好地理解和做出更明智的决定.

  • 提供全球应用于任何行业

    The large-scale versatility and ability to be rapidly deployed in a multitude of environments make it a powerful data processing partner.


  • Bypass extract, transform, load (ETL) and tagging for accelerated edge analytics.
  • Leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate intelligent search.
  • 通过高性能搜索和事件检测,更快地发现事件.
  • 实现更高的效率,搜索所有的数据,没有ETL和索引.
  • Reduce Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for rapid analysis of log data files with fewer fees.
  • Be ready for the future with scalable, compliance ready, searchable storage.


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